31 décembre 2007
28 décembre 2007
23 décembre 2007
info :: free music charts 2007
with 23 other people ( artists, bloggers, label coordinators ... ) i have been asking by Sven Swift to give my personal top 5 for 2007, here it is
:: Phlow Magazine
:: Phlow Magazine
21 décembre 2007
20 décembre 2007
19 décembre 2007
18 décembre 2007
15 décembre 2007
Audio Objekt :: vår nya värld
an (audio) object of fantasy and technological desire, this mix "cover-tribute" to the cyclists, added with an original track, featuring Ralf Hutter himself, makes easily forget some recent "8-Bit Operators hot cheap" hersatz and exacerbates also, the lack of news from Düsseldorf.
:: Audio Objekt
13 décembre 2007
10 décembre 2007
6 décembre 2007
2 décembre 2007
JMMS :: almost everything i want to say
Pseudo popstar temptation ? second hand clone, hybrid of a Marilyn Manson washing powder passed through a real kitchen mixer trash TV ?
It is always astonishing to see that those mystifications and egos have still, some assiduities from ... who ? after all.
Fortunately for JMMS, some "songs" leave this toy shop window.
Let us be serious, it is now a long time ago that this futile rock theatre thing is honestly dead of its unrrespectful death - except the make-up manufacturers, who still wants some insipid prolongations ?
:: ekleipsi
:: kafka
It is always astonishing to see that those mystifications and egos have still, some assiduities from ... who ? after all.
Fortunately for JMMS, some "songs" leave this toy shop window.
Let us be serious, it is now a long time ago that this futile rock theatre thing is honestly dead of its unrrespectful death - except the make-up manufacturers, who still wants some insipid prolongations ?
:: ekleipsi
:: kafka
Toxonic :: lost alias
i am not generally that much fan of those formal presentation texts coming from labels ... no way, i am also that much afficionado of welcomed self ... contradiction
"This is an army of dark, dry Drum'n'Bass -Beats,marching up your nerves, to celebrate their glory on the beaten battlefield of your brain.
Their weapons are down, but their armament is tight.
No need to fight, they’ll win anyway.
They came from deep down to take you over.
The surrender may exhaust you, but there will be no regrets."
:: weird and wired
:: Toxonic
30 novembre 2007
Mirko Schmidt :: 720x120

tieguide / novembre 2007

mixtape / novembre 2007
"I am born in 1979 in a small town in Saxony, Germany.
After graduating as a Diplom-Media Manager (FH) I started a job in the marketing department of a solar cell manufacturer and moved to Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
I'm still in the job and responsible for the corporate design, advertising, give aways and almost everything that shows the company's logo.
In 2005 I found with a friend of mine the netlabel one bit wonder net.music. For 1bit I made the whole graphic design like the webpage and all the release covers (except of one). Since 1995 I'm producing music, starting with trance stuff and later different styles. At the moment I'm in 3 music projects: Latex Distortion (with a friend of mine, something between electronica and techno, different releases on 1bit and other netlabels), Kultobjekt (a solo project, dub influenced and more minimal style) and at least The Noise Tales (a rock pop project with another friend of mine, released just 2 songs on 1bit, at the moment paused).
What else to say? I have a little daughter which just became 4 years old. :-)
So after my vita I will give you a short explanation to the artworks, although everybody can make his own interpretation.
The "tie guide" reflects my job: on the one hand, working with design and the Adobe CS. On the other hand the business part of my work like trade shows and marketing stuff at all. That's why the tie ;-) (by the way: I never have wear a tie)
The second artwork reflects my hobby: the netlabel, i guess there's no explanation necessary on this."
Mirko lives in Leipzig.
:: Mirko Schmidt
:: 1Bit-Wonder
:: 720x120
29 novembre 2007
camomille 100 :: cycles
Dan Vulk :: bad muthafuckers who like flowers
SpecialK & Family :: pynky@mummification.cam
Clara Fauvel :: pêcher
Anton Pereuilh :: moutonnerie
Marianne Bousquet :: cycle
Liv and 143 :: variable
Lenia McFarland :: colors 1 2 3
Yvan Meunier :: explochilled
143 :: comète & thank you
Heidi Bee :: cycles 1 2
Pascal Yelle :: nu noir 1 2 3 4
My.little.lie :: rebirth
philippe Jacques :: cicle
:: camomille 100
SpecialK & Family :: pynky@mummification.cam
Clara Fauvel :: pêcher
Anton Pereuilh :: moutonnerie
Marianne Bousquet :: cycle
Liv and 143 :: variable
Lenia McFarland :: colors 1 2 3
Yvan Meunier :: explochilled
143 :: comète & thank you
Heidi Bee :: cycles 1 2
Pascal Yelle :: nu noir 1 2 3 4
My.little.lie :: rebirth
philippe Jacques :: cicle
:: camomille 100
27 novembre 2007
26 novembre 2007
21 novembre 2007
Xedh :: armiarma
A new release and step from the man of Bilbao, full of surprises, sometimes not far from a "soft" white noise. An intimate mix of human presence through the micros and these relevant frequencies, physically abrupt.
Homophoni must be proud of it.
:: homophoni
:: Xedh
<< composition in red
<< rencloser
<< sort:zen
<< Baba Llaga :: el ultimo viaje de vasilissa
20 novembre 2007
Ruinae :: Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ...
:: unknowable
:: Ruinae
:: unknowable
:: Ruinae
Resn :: disfunktion act 2
... where some will speak about TripHop or even I don't know which mark of corn flakes, others will hopefully say, delicate spleen (good night my friend) and autumnal languors in grey perspective landscapes ; I prefer these. Anyway, make us, these "autumnal languors" do not forget some precious times of this act2 ... in particular "chargeing sources". Once again, Homework gives a very singular music approach, evolutive and far from traditional genre dogmas and chapels - a highly recommended place.
:: homework
:: myspace
:: homework
:: myspace
19 novembre 2007
18 novembre 2007
DraCo :: terok nor
the press notes say something like "Somewhere in deep space lays mysterious space station Terok Nor (previously used as a mining center crewed by slaves)... Terok Nor is a recommended EP for Star Track fans, although newcomers and noobz are welcome, few more listens reveals some wonderful moods inspired by mysterious “space station”."
we now just hope that the second act will be something like the story of a man who's name would be Rick Deckard, the guy would have some adventures with androids and kind of replicants issued from a corporation, a maybe Tyrell corporation ... far from the joke, is it so unreasonable to not resist to such a release ?
a tasty sparkling aroma from outer space.
well and ... do androids dream of electric sheep ?
:: groovecaffe
:: DraCo at myspace
we now just hope that the second act will be something like the story of a man who's name would be Rick Deckard, the guy would have some adventures with androids and kind of replicants issued from a corporation, a maybe Tyrell corporation ... far from the joke, is it so unreasonable to not resist to such a release ?
a tasty sparkling aroma from outer space.
well and ... do androids dream of electric sheep ?
:: groovecaffe
:: DraCo at myspace
17 novembre 2007
16 novembre 2007
Various Artists :: 100

Veer :: greet the world with a ...
Daniel Blomqvist :: not for me
Unit 21 :: december 02
Social System :: a dream inside a ...
Trace :: vicky
Benfay :: let me avow
Sensual Physics :: arcs and master
Laura Palmer :: borderline
Brian Kage :: zebes
Eloi Brunelle :: deep mush
Das kfmw :: chocolate in nutshells
Off The Sky vs. Gyges :: ...
Deluge :: the crush
:: thinner
celebrating this # 100 compilation and the brand new website of the requiring thinner netlabel, please find a flashback short selection of some previous Co...mments (or no), through different boards and since 2006 ::
Gaston Arevalo - ultramar (selected - noComments added)
Krill.minima - urlaub auf balkonien
Laura Palmer - background
Unit 21 - september october
Nulleins - seven spaces
15 novembre 2007
Audiokonstrukte :: smart echoes for sensitive ears
Everything is in the title, following a first release for the 1bit wonder compilation "celebration #3", the "smart echoes for sensitive ears" of Audiokonstrukte sail between ambient textures and trip Hop schemes, and make a stopover with an excellently exception - this exception is entitled "neurospiderweb"
:: one bit wonder
<< celebration compilation #3
:: one bit wonder
<< celebration compilation #3
l'ermite :: mille morceaux
And so, the precious number 69 of clinical archives is this exhaustive «mille morceaux» by the non-less interesting but quite “teaching specialist” l’ermite who, in an evocative presentation text for archive.org, gives some lessons on the way to feel “the deep soul of music » ... cool, man, cool. That’s sometimes quite difficult to express how we feel closer to a release and I must say that “mille morceaux” is full of those precious little immaterial gem drops (diplodocus – premier mars...) and also feel so languid in front of the dull speech of the priest - Blah, blah, blah ...
:: clinical archives
:: l’ermite at myspace
:: clinical archives
:: l’ermite at myspace
13 novembre 2007
thierry massard :: sübe version

not less than 28 years (sept. 1979) after a first and very limited edition on audio-cassette, Metropublik (and recently Kreislauf for a track on the "10 jahre kreislauf") have decided to re-release this 6 tracks industrial project called :: SüBE Version (title inspired by an info read in a swedish newspaper about a local hotels chain and, of course, the word game).
this re-release will be soon followed by a re-interpretated (subverted) version from artists of these both netlabels.
Pas moins de 28 années (sept. 1979) après une première édition limitée sur cassette audio, le label berlinois, Metropublik (et récemment Kreislauf pour un track sur sa compilation anniversaire "10 jahre kreislauf") ont decidé de réaliser à nouveau, ce projet industriel intitulé :: SüBE Version (titre inspiré de la lecture d'un article de journal suèdois à propos d'une chaine d'hotels locaux et, évidemment du jeu de mots)
cette réédition sera bientôt suivi par une version ré-interprétée (subvertie) par des artistes de ces 2 netlabels.
:: kreislauf
:: SüBE Version > archive.org
:: tm at discogs
12 novembre 2007
Sullen & Swift :: last call for drinks
01. Rob Hunter - Spill (12rec.038)
02. Slon - Jelenka (12rec.44)
03. Herzog - Woke up, Surrounded by Enemies (12rec.039)
04. Bernier & Trottier - Et sa Corne de Brume (12rec.042)
05. Giraffe - Smoke & Mirrors (12rec.026)
06. Crepusculum - Kintyre (12rec.036)
07. Automassage - Ert (unreleased)
08. Nic Bommarito - Taciturn I (12rec.037)
09. Neuf Meuf - Zul (12rec.031 w/ serein.co.uk)
10. David Schweighart - Prager Lovesong I (unreleased)
11. Protestant Work Ethic - Weather Side (unreleased)
12. My First Trumpet - Max B. (12rec.043 w/ aerotone.net)
13. Jasmin - Koeln (12rec.027)
:: thirteensongs
:: 12rec.
Thank you gentlemen for this number 13, even if we must unfortunately speak about it with the past. For many reasons such as our own ratio of intimacy to the music we love, confronted with the perilous exercice of choice, thirteensongs was a very interesting experience. This mixtape label is already missing in the soundscape.
10 novembre 2007
9 novembre 2007
Le Mépris :: le mépris
impressive first release, the selftitled "le Mépris" is a source of subtlety and high skill ... i am certain that George Delerue would have more than a simple interest for the more than perfect miniatures of Reiko Matane, aka Rene Margraff.
::the questionnaire ....
:: aerotone
:: Reiko Matane
7 novembre 2007
5 novembre 2007
Various Artists :: intelligent toys 4
01 Sabi - Dried Flowers, Mirrored World
02 Joel Tammik - Vorm Ja Praegu
03 Rumpistol - Dodvaegt
04 Vladislav Delay - Lumi
05 Near The Parenthesis - Nidae
06 Jvox - Odyssey
07 ENV(itre) - The Upper Clouds In The Water
08 Esem - Caffeine
09 Maps And Diagrams - Panama!
10 Lackluster - Tauboo Delucht
11 Sense - IDK
12 IJO - Terra Det (Multiplex Remix)
13 Syntaks - Sunset Rust
14 Sleepy Town Manufacture - Tokyo Doesn’t Love Us Anymore
15 Praveen - Dreams
16 fatima meets kuriaki - Skyline
17 Gultskra Artikler - Otvertka Dva
18 Machine Drum - 0000001
19 Praveen - Only To Make Ammends
20 Funckarma - Bion Glent
21 Kero - Bilder
22 Quench - Octane
23 rrine - Mulch
24 Rec_Overflow & Eedll - Listen Through Da Window
25 Leon Somov Feat Jazzu And Darius Zickus - Song About Love
26 Monoceros - My Imaginary Band
27 Ylid - Singing Hello (Featuring Francois)
28 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft - Inflow
finally, is the success of sutemos, a performing mix of hardcopy artists and netaudio aficionados ? Anyway, time afer time, that label is doing an important and real crossover between the ancient world and the ... future of music.
:: sutemos
monographic 001 :: kahvi collective
01. Zilent Zpott - Lost & Desperatrion
02. Kairaus - Flak Kathedral
03. Keed PR1 - Space
04. Affective Disorder - Le Pont Vers L’espace
05. Alexey V - Prate
06. Acrillic Colors - The Garden
07. Mosaik - Noa Lake (Polaski’s Garden 1/2 Remix)
08. Randomajestiq - Magic Carpet (Super Slithery Slow Edit)
09. Cardamar - Start (Instrumental Mix)
10. Zilent Zpott with Audioplacid - Ondas Silenciosas (Slow Edit)
11. Sektor - Sleepy
12. Esem - A Sound Of Halo
13. Brioskj - Mysterious Wood
14. Brioskj - Dawn Of A Wonderful Day
15. URL - He’s A Collector
16. Aaron Jasinski - Addictive Additive
this first monographic number is the combined and relevant coproduction project due to our friends, the netaudio resource blog, Inq-Mag and the impossible to circumvent netlabel, Kahvi Collective. the set is conducted by DjPolaski. With non-less than 217 netaudio releases from kahvi, and the "inq-seeker" Mikel, the dream is far for being over.
:: monographic 001 - kahvi collective
:: monographic podcast feed
:: inq
:: kahvi collective
:: DjPolaski
02. Kairaus - Flak Kathedral
03. Keed PR1 - Space
04. Affective Disorder - Le Pont Vers L’espace
05. Alexey V - Prate
06. Acrillic Colors - The Garden
07. Mosaik - Noa Lake (Polaski’s Garden 1/2 Remix)
08. Randomajestiq - Magic Carpet (Super Slithery Slow Edit)
09. Cardamar - Start (Instrumental Mix)
10. Zilent Zpott with Audioplacid - Ondas Silenciosas (Slow Edit)
11. Sektor - Sleepy
12. Esem - A Sound Of Halo
13. Brioskj - Mysterious Wood
14. Brioskj - Dawn Of A Wonderful Day
15. URL - He’s A Collector
16. Aaron Jasinski - Addictive Additive
this first monographic number is the combined and relevant coproduction project due to our friends, the netaudio resource blog, Inq-Mag and the impossible to circumvent netlabel, Kahvi Collective. the set is conducted by DjPolaski. With non-less than 217 netaudio releases from kahvi, and the "inq-seeker" Mikel, the dream is far for being over.
:: monographic 001 - kahvi collective
:: monographic podcast feed
:: inq
:: kahvi collective
:: DjPolaski
4 novembre 2007
3 novembre 2007
2 novembre 2007
Kenji Siratori :: dead device

Officially, Dead device is an ep, summarized in 2 parts ::
part1 – 13 minutes and 25 seconds, then part2 - 8 minutes and 55 seconds ... Here (officially) how we could made the autopsy of this apparent seppuku (see illustration) produced by our preferred cyber-Siratori. The affair is not obviously so simple, so much these 2 tracks, announced by Clinical Archives as “experimental and noise” are so distant of this game of appearance, an "effet de genre" probably. Kenji Siratori holds up an image rather stereotyped (ô mom a cyberpunk !) and finally produces a particularly delicate and harmonious musical writing, a wonder of softness for which can raise the surface and the game of appearances …
:: clinical archives
:: Kenji Siratori
:: the questionnaire
<< kenji siratori - ocp - t3tsuo :: gene tv
1 novembre 2007
720X120 :: tomm.

PI / novembre 2007 - polaroid by stecco333
"I was born in milan in 1979. graphic designer. (…). umanuvem***** **. a simple page to stop by and cherish the sounds which. meanwhile. the other things. a mountain the snow a hot stove. that. cherry tree. the smell of the sea and. (the books). my bike. activism. photographs. (records. records. records). on vitaminic.it -for the very first time- i try and tell the tale of what i am listening to."
Tommaso Belletti ( aka tomm ) have many relevant activities ::
He is writing for vitaminic and coordinates the blog umanuvem***** **. tomm also describes himself as a social activist, that’s already sure, we think.
Grazie tomm.
:: umanuvem***** **
:: vitaminic
30 octobre 2007
29 octobre 2007
26 octobre 2007
MarceXL :: artefacto
Somewhere in Hamburg is an organisation where we sometimes cross the members of a very private club. All made up amateurs of a house particularly progressive. You have to go deeper in the entrails of this place to meet one of the main craftsman of the genre. Far beyond the apparently simple “artefacto”, MarceXL explores and opens some new perspectives. Try to do the experience on your own and, if possible, far from an hypothetic dancefloor scheme – Then, reassure you, you are not obliged to thank MarceXL and kreislauf, though...
:: kreislauf
:: MXL
<< second mix (episode II)
24 octobre 2007
Takeshi Nakamura :: strange animals
great misses and lost times, i just have recently (this morning) discovered this recent work of Takeshi Nakamura, through the virb page of the musician - apologies, and thank you to the label for the info. "Strange Animals" is a style exercice a bit far from Nakamura traditional schemes and usual ways. Deep in abstract figures, the musician gives, once again, the sentiment of a methodic and regular exploration in sound and harmonic structures. The result might be, of course, sometimes diverting, but impresses of large aspirations (presentiment) - we knew Takeshi Nakamura an important musician practising the cut-up art at his best, he is also a human being and, let's admit it, a quite strange animal.
:: entity
:: Takeshi Nakamura
<< the questionnaire
:: entity
:: Takeshi Nakamura
<< the questionnaire
23 octobre 2007
The Saint Petersburg Institute of Noise :: robot ears
The Saint Petersburg Institute of Noise is a quite worthy institution, only attended by honest demolition contracters of sound dogmas. Do not hesitate a second! address right now your bulletin of inscription to our friends of Meatronic and get absolutely worthy in your coming dîner in town - life is beautiful !
:: meatronic
:: meatronic
22 octobre 2007
20 octobre 2007
David Velez & Various Artists :: data transfer 2
:: impulsive habitat (previously released by eko netlabel)
:: Lezblog
< data transfer (1) for zymogen
< review
<< Lezrod :: genki
16 octobre 2007
15 octobre 2007
Gudrun Gut :: the questionnaire

Your favourite virtue ::
you mean my own? Persistancy
Your favourite qualities in a man ::
beeing trustworthy
Your favourite qualities in a woman ::
Your favourite occupation ::
Your idea of happiness ::
beeing with loved ones
Your idea of misery ::
when everything collapses
If not yourself, who would you be ::
a snowflake, a dear, a bird, a fish, a man?
Where would you like to live ::
in berlin or los angeles
Your favourite colour and flower ::
colour: blue and rose, flower: roses and magnolias, but i love field flowers as well.
Your favourite prose authors ::
Ian McEwan, Elfriede Jelinek
Your favourite poets ::
Your favourite heroes in fiction ::
Siegfried from the Nibelungen and Odysseus
Your favourite heroines in fiction ::
Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary
Your favourite painters and composers ::
Thomas Ruff, Gerhard Richter, Isa Gensken, Pipilotti Rist (in arts )- too many in music.
Your favourite heroes in real life ::
Your favourite heroines in real life ::
What character(s) in history do you most dislike ::
Your favourite food and drink ::
Red whine (Italian or Spanish), food: italian
Your favourite names ::
Aurelia, Camilla, Emil, Rodja, Felicitas, Dion, Lisan, Adrian, Marie, Yvonne, Max, Aaron,
Your pet aversion ::
The reform which you most estimate ::
The gift of the nature which I would like to have ::
How I would like to die ::
What is your present state of mind ::
kind of relaxed. its saturday afternoon.
For what fault have you most toleration ::
the most?? hm. not for beeing late.
Your favourite motto ::
dont be afraid of big tasks: take one step after the other
13 octobre 2007
Gudrun Gut is musician, dj and label coordinator. She lives in Berlin.
:: Gudrun at myspace
:: m-enterprise
:: ocean club
:: the questionnaire project is based on the original "questionnaire of Marcel Proust", created by Antoinette Faure around 1890.
14 octobre 2007
10 octobre 2007
9 octobre 2007
Julian Winter :: foffi
comment :: 4 minutes and 27 seconds of musical genres transmutations.
Julian Winter just needs so less time to prove that , once again, "less is more".
:: kreislauf
:: Julian Winter
4 octobre 2007
2 octobre 2007
30 septembre 2007
28 septembre 2007
27 septembre 2007
Muhr :: poussière
:: serein
25 septembre 2007
23 septembre 2007
various artists :: autumntronics
01: lopazz - right in your face
02: jürgen frey - first 17
03: elfish echo - terrarism #02
04: marco lucchi - (as riddled as) the tide
05: alex cortex - slanting roof jam
06: night-time epitome - sinreja
07: 8m2stereo - bea
08: celer - climate change
09: bad cop bad cop - à bientôt
combined with our calendar news about Alex Cortex contribution to ::the questionnaire project, is this compilation for pathmusick - A release far from any sad and bucolic autumnal walks in some forest full of orange, brown make-up and sinister chestnut. Tasty at his best, great tracks (see immense such as the opening "right in your face" of Lopazz) succeeding to other impressive atmospheric collaborations or even strong industri...ous tendencies.
some great art to tastes adaptation. highly recommended!
:: pathmusick
02: jürgen frey - first 17
03: elfish echo - terrarism #02
04: marco lucchi - (as riddled as) the tide
05: alex cortex - slanting roof jam
06: night-time epitome - sinreja
07: 8m2stereo - bea
08: celer - climate change
09: bad cop bad cop - à bientôt
combined with our calendar news about Alex Cortex contribution to ::the questionnaire project, is this compilation for pathmusick - A release far from any sad and bucolic autumnal walks in some forest full of orange, brown make-up and sinister chestnut. Tasty at his best, great tracks (see immense such as the opening "right in your face" of Lopazz) succeeding to other impressive atmospheric collaborations or even strong industri...ous tendencies.
some great art to tastes adaptation. highly recommended!
:: pathmusick
15 septembre 2007
Zainetica :: future 740
comment :: a very interesting release is that "Future 740" of Zainetica - figure of an electronica,from now, a bit old stylish, Mark Streatfield seems to turn its glance to a new musical imagery under soft technopop influence, since it is unfortunately as the way we qualify the incidence of Neu! and Kraftwerk, and intelligently avoiding the traps from any synthetic digression of a certain idm scene.
The result ? Clearly, the best realization ever carried out by Zainetica.
The proof is done, a called into question is always fortuitous - compliments !
:: xynthetic netlabel
:: Zainetica
The result ? Clearly, the best realization ever carried out by Zainetica.
The proof is done, a called into question is always fortuitous - compliments !
:: xynthetic netlabel
:: Zainetica
12 septembre 2007
Raw N^D :: toy ep
Pure abstracts forms dissolved in a sub-philharmonic orchestral sinking. ‘V tvoj mirok probralas\’ zima’ which opens this first release of Raw n^d is clearly indicating the way of dark impressionist meanders, without however, never rocking in the glaucous and cinematographic pathos of many alleged Indus artists - “Li56” with its illusory frankness, have some difficulties to mask a perfect arithmetic under fine old school influence (Throbbing Gristle for “Vantuuso Cherv`!!”)... and finally yes, the whole has is been useful with a talent which does not have anything illusory.
:: haze
:: Raw N^D at haze
:: haze
:: Raw N^D at haze
krill.minima :: urlaub auf balkonien
Difficile de décrire la tranquille addiction que suscite chaque réalisation de Martin Juhls avec son projet Krill.Minima. Une fois encore, «’Urlaub Auf Balkonien’ ne déroge en rien à cette règle d’or. Entre envie d’un possible mouvement des êtres et des choses, et irrépressible promesse d’un "blottissement" (du verbe pronominal 'se blottir') cotonneux et langoureux, le choix est âpre.
Seule certitude, le musicien de Dortmund fabrique d’indispensables philtres.
:: thinner/autoplate
:: krill.minima
Seule certitude, le musicien de Dortmund fabrique d’indispensables philtres.
:: thinner/autoplate
:: krill.minima
10 septembre 2007
9 septembre 2007
Anderson Hoffmann :: one-people projects
One-people projects … with a “s” explores the different (dark) sides of the talented Anderson Hoffman – this “s” corresponds to 3 main releases of the Brazilian musician collected by the very effective netlabel, clinical archives. First extracts are from "violated animal rights” two main and serious soundscapes for a noble cause. Two tracks are also extracted from a project called “keygen”, quite symptomatic of a large interest for the hammering and the mental gimlet (our favourites’). The ep is closing on 2 pieces representing the colder side of Anderson, a colder side presented as a mix influences of ebm and Indus, but as main “genre repulsive” I should probably say that the dance floor temptation is far to be the worst idea of this One-people.
:: clinical archives
:: Anderson Hoffmann
:: clinical archives
:: Anderson Hoffmann
7 septembre 2007
3 septembre 2007
various artists :: 10 jahre kreislauf
it was a long time that i wanted to experiment an editorialist workshop - a sort of live review as a dj set - this particular release deserves an editorialist experimentation - Then, what about a live construction of a review ? an unfinished building site of writing in progress for a special birthday more promised to a cure of perpetual youth than to nostalgia ? let's try it, and see the result - your live comments are, of course, naturally welcomed ...
Day one, it was last saturday, sept. 1st, wake up too early after an awful night. bad mood. My first reflexion goes to the fact that, as many concerned people of the scene, i'm waiting for this compilation announced by a few mails from Mogwai. As usual my first reflex is to go to phlow.de - Kreislauf, as a sort of dandy reflex, systematically puts a point of honor for being the first release announced each month on this particular site - phlow seems to have some update problems - bad mood.
But let's just talk music - let's just remember this initial surprise on first listening this "seite 1" intitled "Low Flying Fragments" - first smile of this french sunny morning, i like the idea of "seite", is it a reader reflex ? a promise of "seite 2" then seite 3 ? ... "low flying fragments" after a promising multiple "seiten", the atmosphere is going is weighed down - we will not wait for long - the extreme gravity of the awesome track of DeTrop is immediately collecting your attention and do not slacken the pressure - welcome to the birthday party ! ...
But from now, we are entering in a discreet area, a whispered appointment in a lonely place of evanescent and organic drones (Night-Time Epitome), a place of fractal stains images for Metafame, recently escaped from the brilliant “sooner ep” – from the time, the doors seem to open, ones after the others, it is probable that some of us will lose themselves there in this maze, however so coherent, and it is so much better for everyone ...
7 septembre – 11 :30 (don't want to write in my usual and suspect frenglish) C’est étonnant comme certains tracks ont parfois cette magie d’un quotidien illustré, l'untitled de Martin Maischein en fait partie, une parfaite osmose avec notre perception générale. Sans autre incidence, que d'être là, en une sorte de suspension latente, ils viennent se coller à votre vie, simplement s’implémenter sans complexe, devenir la bande son, toutefois provisoire, d’une réalité « enhanced » ...
Each time I meet the name of Alex Cortex somewhere, there is always a enigma for me, I cannot perceive the globality of this important artist - so much worse for me, his 'archive of 98' does not derogate from the mystery - I must invite him to::the questionnaire, we will know some more ...
Ah … ‘walaskjalf’, If I had to go back on a previous review words for the blog views&reviews, and opinion on the “skyland” of Max Marlow, today … I should probably said that these words (from January 2007) were far from being sufficiently “consistent” because I am not far from thinking that "skyland" is, to date, the best release of the Berliner - am I the only one to think it?
Well, about the “nummer acht” And in a recent e-mail, the same Mister Marlow was writing me “…also jungle wires sounds like the 'afterhour' of the world after mankind, like my track is telling about the deathmatch of it with all those horsewagons and red flags on top of dead bodies - right in before…” I must say I mostly agree on this so neo-expressionist vision, maybe we will talk more about someday or another...
13 september 17:34 - I like the idea of displacement in Niteffect, its "last mohawk" opens horizons for geographical and human delicacies - is "last mohawk" ... a (nomad) cake ?
8 novembre 17:51 - Sursaut quasi hivernal soudain ? à moins que ce ne soit l’amical rappel à l’ordre de l’homme à la casquette en début de semaine, nous voici à nouveau penché sur ces vastes entrelacs de sombres soundscapes tels cette sourde ellipse d’ouverture du lancinant « rch » de Messieurs Omas fgt et Patrice Valota , fascinant dédale secrets de (shock ?) corridors et échos aveugles, the « velvet stars » will not be to any help, He-lux have decided to better mislay you in order to make you numb with some rhythmic abstractions and uncertain voices exercice.
uuu :: Unregular Upcoming Updates ... and following
Low Flying Fragments
01 DeTrop - Winters Night
02 Night-Time Epitome - Visto Así
03 metaFame - Avive
04 Martin Maischein - Untitled
05 Mezzotron - Linie 1
06 Alex Cortex - Archive Track From 1998
07 Max Marlow - Walaskjalf
08 thierry massard - Jungle Wires (SüBE Version)
09 Niteffect - Last Mohawk
10 Omas FGT featuring Patrice Valota - Rch
11 He-Lux - Velvet Stars
12 choenyi - PTP
13 Drugs Made Me Smarter - The Biology Of Love
14 Rich.vom.Dorf. - Money Makes The People Blues
15 Dennsensein - Meine Gedanken Kleben
16 Beautiful Planet Earth - Kinder Der Nacht
17 Two_EM - Nova Silence
18 Dreza - Trionin (Nick Otheen Remix)
19 Bad Cop Bad Cop - Janet Plazz
Up Up And Away
20 Tuna - T-Rex-Sox
21 Muun & Villhauer - Entschuldigung Struppi
22 Ixmati - 10
23 Vai - Kreislaufstörung
24 Granlab - Backyard Wildlife
25 Cyan341 - Polydrafter
26 Baier/Box - Drama
27 Dr.Nojoke - Monsterlulle
28 Docma - Tanz Der Elemente
29 Lopazz - Blue
30 The Rex Kramer Experience - Woodwould
31 Yaxed - Cthulhu
32 Tails - Kommunikation Offline
33 Jens Beese - My Kittchen Rocks
34 MarceXL - Can You Feel The Desire
35 Alpha Human - Go On Party Tribe
36 Markus Newton - Springonmoon
37 Christoph Schindling - Somewhere Far Away
38 FeldFunker - Abschied Von Der Zeit
:: kreislauf
Day one, it was last saturday, sept. 1st, wake up too early after an awful night. bad mood. My first reflexion goes to the fact that, as many concerned people of the scene, i'm waiting for this compilation announced by a few mails from Mogwai. As usual my first reflex is to go to phlow.de - Kreislauf, as a sort of dandy reflex, systematically puts a point of honor for being the first release announced each month on this particular site - phlow seems to have some update problems - bad mood.
But let's just talk music - let's just remember this initial surprise on first listening this "seite 1" intitled "Low Flying Fragments" - first smile of this french sunny morning, i like the idea of "seite", is it a reader reflex ? a promise of "seite 2" then seite 3 ? ... "low flying fragments" after a promising multiple "seiten", the atmosphere is going is weighed down - we will not wait for long - the extreme gravity of the awesome track of DeTrop is immediately collecting your attention and do not slacken the pressure - welcome to the birthday party ! ...
But from now, we are entering in a discreet area, a whispered appointment in a lonely place of evanescent and organic drones (Night-Time Epitome), a place of fractal stains images for Metafame, recently escaped from the brilliant “sooner ep” – from the time, the doors seem to open, ones after the others, it is probable that some of us will lose themselves there in this maze, however so coherent, and it is so much better for everyone ...
7 septembre – 11 :30 (don't want to write in my usual and suspect frenglish) C’est étonnant comme certains tracks ont parfois cette magie d’un quotidien illustré, l'untitled de Martin Maischein en fait partie, une parfaite osmose avec notre perception générale. Sans autre incidence, que d'être là, en une sorte de suspension latente, ils viennent se coller à votre vie, simplement s’implémenter sans complexe, devenir la bande son, toutefois provisoire, d’une réalité « enhanced » ...
Each time I meet the name of Alex Cortex somewhere, there is always a enigma for me, I cannot perceive the globality of this important artist - so much worse for me, his 'archive of 98' does not derogate from the mystery - I must invite him to::the questionnaire, we will know some more ...
Ah … ‘walaskjalf’, If I had to go back on a previous review words for the blog views&reviews, and opinion on the “skyland” of Max Marlow, today … I should probably said that these words (from January 2007) were far from being sufficiently “consistent” because I am not far from thinking that "skyland" is, to date, the best release of the Berliner - am I the only one to think it?
Well, about the “nummer acht” And in a recent e-mail, the same Mister Marlow was writing me “…also jungle wires sounds like the 'afterhour' of the world after mankind, like my track is telling about the deathmatch of it with all those horsewagons and red flags on top of dead bodies - right in before…” I must say I mostly agree on this so neo-expressionist vision, maybe we will talk more about someday or another...
13 september 17:34 - I like the idea of displacement in Niteffect, its "last mohawk" opens horizons for geographical and human delicacies - is "last mohawk" ... a (nomad) cake ?
8 novembre 17:51 - Sursaut quasi hivernal soudain ? à moins que ce ne soit l’amical rappel à l’ordre de l’homme à la casquette en début de semaine, nous voici à nouveau penché sur ces vastes entrelacs de sombres soundscapes tels cette sourde ellipse d’ouverture du lancinant « rch » de Messieurs Omas fgt et Patrice Valota , fascinant dédale secrets de (shock ?) corridors et échos aveugles, the « velvet stars » will not be to any help, He-lux have decided to better mislay you in order to make you numb with some rhythmic abstractions and uncertain voices exercice.
uuu :: Unregular Upcoming Updates ... and following
Low Flying Fragments
01 DeTrop - Winters Night
02 Night-Time Epitome - Visto Así
03 metaFame - Avive
04 Martin Maischein - Untitled
05 Mezzotron - Linie 1
06 Alex Cortex - Archive Track From 1998
07 Max Marlow - Walaskjalf
08 thierry massard - Jungle Wires (SüBE Version)
09 Niteffect - Last Mohawk
10 Omas FGT featuring Patrice Valota - Rch
11 He-Lux - Velvet Stars
12 choenyi - PTP
13 Drugs Made Me Smarter - The Biology Of Love
14 Rich.vom.Dorf. - Money Makes The People Blues
15 Dennsensein - Meine Gedanken Kleben
16 Beautiful Planet Earth - Kinder Der Nacht
17 Two_EM - Nova Silence
18 Dreza - Trionin (Nick Otheen Remix)
19 Bad Cop Bad Cop - Janet Plazz
Up Up And Away
20 Tuna - T-Rex-Sox
21 Muun & Villhauer - Entschuldigung Struppi
22 Ixmati - 10
23 Vai - Kreislaufstörung
24 Granlab - Backyard Wildlife
25 Cyan341 - Polydrafter
26 Baier/Box - Drama
27 Dr.Nojoke - Monsterlulle
28 Docma - Tanz Der Elemente
29 Lopazz - Blue
30 The Rex Kramer Experience - Woodwould
31 Yaxed - Cthulhu
32 Tails - Kommunikation Offline
33 Jens Beese - My Kittchen Rocks
34 MarceXL - Can You Feel The Desire
35 Alpha Human - Go On Party Tribe
36 Markus Newton - Springonmoon
37 Christoph Schindling - Somewhere Far Away
38 FeldFunker - Abschied Von Der Zeit
:: kreislauf
Stud :: greetings, fatherland!
session of correction for noCo, the pretty May month had left us this release of legendary, Alexey Devyanin. Those "greetings, fatherland" easily helps us to forget the sort of "faux-pas" which was the last year blind "i saw the future".
This kahvi reference restores precisely a climate of confidence for the man of Novosibirsk. We did not want to forget it in these columns - here is, which from now on is done.
:: kahvi
<< i saw the future
This kahvi reference restores precisely a climate of confidence for the man of Novosibirsk. We did not want to forget it in these columns - here is, which from now on is done.
:: kahvi
<< i saw the future
1 septembre 2007
Fred DeBieF :: 720x120

NAR6 / 01 septembre 2007
difficult to present such a proteiform and essential artist as the french, Fred Debief. Under several aliases and personalities, the man is developing a combined and hybrid work which goes beyond the borders of stereotyped artistic disciplines.
:: fdbf
:: fdbf visuals
<< the questionnaire
31 août 2007
30 août 2007
29 août 2007
833-45 :: passages
if we look attentively, Mister Krebs is quite often at his best ...
ps :: the homage to the monochromies of Morton Feldman is also particularly welcomed

:: notype
:: K.M.Krebs\833-45
<< fog sequences
~~ itv at tokafi
ps :: the homage to the monochromies of Morton Feldman is also particularly welcomed
:: notype
:: K.M.Krebs\833-45
<< fog sequences
~~ itv at tokafi
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