29 avril 2010

selective guide for demanding ears, noCo...mment remained active from april 29th 2007 to april 29th 2010. Coordinated by thierry massard and mainly oriented to the free netaudio musical scene, these are around 700 posts or reviews, covering this period, that you are invited to discover out of here - thank you.

guide sélectif pour oreilles exigeantes, noCo...mment est resté actif du 29 avril 2007 au 29 avril 2010 - Coordonné par thierry massard et principalement focalisé vers la scène musicale libre netaudio, ce sont environ 700 posts et chroniques, couvrant cette période, que nous vous invitons à découvrir - merci.

tm / jeudi 29 avril 2010 - 00:00 gmt

28 avril 2010

OCP :: gasto

air density accelerative textures, gasto reminds us that the operador de cabine polivalente is not just there to make an appearance without enduring feature our constantly stalking minds. scrolls, modulations and convolutions, we are still at the dawn of a new day.

:: OCP

Apparent Symmetry :: mourn

under a perfectly wise and brilliant surname, Zach, aka Apparent Symmetry, explores dark variations and provides us with distant and evanescent aerograms - enriched with soundscapes on very high amplitude, that early 2010 production of abstrakt reflections, will continue to draw the outlines of broken or forgotten perspectives far after that sudden oblivion will hit these places ...

:: abstrakt reflections
:: Apparent Symmetry > souncloud
:: Apparent Symmetry > mysp

20 avril 2010

Dilo :: rise ep

d'un curieux retour, une nostalgie sans doute, la douce grâce d'un instant presque suranné ... vous étiez à Buenos Aires en septembre 2005, et Juan Franco Di Lorenzo aka Dilo s'infiltrait, rappelez-vous, subrepticement et durablement dans notre subconscient.

:: series media
:: discogs

19 avril 2010

Lameb 57 :: filic 9

particles parts of a parenthesis (as we might think ... magic)

:: crazy language
> soundcloud page

17 avril 2010

DJ Zovi :: frayed rainbow ep

concave cursors, convex sliders, an infinite fully space, a pulse as solution, a saturate frayed rainbow, Harajuku's dream in supersonic fragmentation, trying to look over a monitors wall of sound as an explanation and/or repulsion - concave cursors, convex sliders ...

:: sayonara records
:: DJ Zovi

15 avril 2010

Humberto Luis Schenone :: soltar… saltar

ces 14 pièces de l'argentin de Buenos Aires sont autant de joyeux drones mutants à l'inspiration expressionniste et d'une turbulente espièglerie neuronale - "soltar...saltar" est un album, certes, prudemment débordant mais surtout, le fruit du travail d'un artiste à l'intelligente agilité - particulièrement contagieux !

:: soltar...saltar > archive.org
:: clinical archives
:: discogs
:: Humberto Luis Schenone > mysp.

6 avril 2010

Kaneel :: here is a heart so you can remember how much i hate you

quelques traces fraîches de notre passage, vous percevez le témoignage - une fois encore, il est des évidences, comme d'une mélancolie elle aussi passagère, en apparence, à moins que l'on ne cache ce qu'ils appellent, et en dignes spécialistes dématérialisés qu'ils sont, une hypersensibilité aux choses, aux gens, qui sait ? Depuis bien longtemps déjà, Guillaume Richard promène une discrète élégance enrubannée d'un camouflage de bienfaisant faiseur car il ne s'agit pas d'être pris à défaut - "Here is a heart..." confirme une règle, mais laquelle ? cherchez bien - les félins domestiques, tout lilas chinois soient-ils, ont la prunelle microscopique et le rebond précis ; et si le rêve semble parfois amer, il convient d'en apprécier toute la riche et délicate saveur si peu suave - nul doute, à l'heure où l'on vous parle, avec (une apparente) considération, d'autres murmurent, Kaneel, quant à lui, fait partie de cette seconde catégorie - et la décision ne fut pas longue à prendre, chanceux que nous sommes - so you can remember.

:: petite&jolie netlabel
:: discogs

:: noCo...mment / avril 2010 > carte blanche to G.Richard, aka Kaneel

1 avril 2010

Phoenelai :: voices from the fire

nous frôlons la piquante réalité - nous frappons ces abstractions de formes et, non contentes, celles-ci nous répondent dans une crispation, érosion de soupirs, les cloches se patinent, luisantes en filandreuses extensions, puis saturant l'air, soudainement se retractent en un bloc cristallin, éclat - cut up - Voices from the fire ended a long await of Phoenelai since the more than perfect "my deluxe color box" for retinascan - cut up - bruit blanc d'un cadencement, circonstanciel et de haute tenue, ce n'est pas tous les jours, allons allons, surtout restons concentrés, il ne s'agit pas de rater le passage au bord du guet - cut up -
desperate crackles lost in the echo of an abrupt cavity hanging on a vanishing perspective, vanishing and infinite rebounds - cut up - nous appartenons aux désirs tubulaires, silencieuse incurvation - cut up - the amplitude became strictly true, the far rhythm had melted in turn, a whirlwind of vocal textures, screaming reversed - cut up - difficile d'imaginer cette pièce, Phoenelai dévore quelques tourments en activant les bruleurs and the last sigh is for this oscillation perceptible in a cortex convolution, graceful and gentle spiral - final cut, up.

:: kreislauf
:: discogs

carte blanche to Guillaume Richard :: 03

guest of the project, "carte blanche", Guillaume Richard have been invited to give his personal view about the actual history and relationship between music and home computers ::

" netlabels

If I remember correctly, I think I first read the term "netlabel" in 2001 or so but it's during the year 2002 I came across it more and more.

Most of the time, it was about tracking groups just renaming themselves to netlabels… some even decided to switch to releasing mp3s even when the tunes were composed in soundtrackers… you can't blame them, the urge to release music made with better samples, a music that is actually mastered…for your pleasure only!

Netlabels like Arghprkl, Commie, Jecoute, Kikapu, Disciple of Ageema Blues or Ogredung opened their doors, all bringing their own ideas to the big pattern.

Obviously, the idea behind "netlabels" wasn't only coming from the tracker scene people. There are evidences of websites like "no-type" that were "virtual labels" back in 1998. After all, such kind of ideas weren't so original since a new media was coming.

Still, I strongly believe the final "kick" into what we know as the "netlabel scene" came for sure from the tracker scene.

The "death of the module format", the closing of tracker-related portal websites, irc becoming less and less popular pushed tracker groups, collectives or whatever like Sunlikamelo-d, Tokyo Dawn Records, Thinner, Mono, Kahvi, Chillproductions or youngsters like Camomille to finally take on the netlabel name.

Of course, some groups vanished.

So here it is, more musicians appeared on the internet so new rooms must be built.

While the first netlabels were mostly about electronic, techno or ambient music, new genre-specialized netlabels opened their doors and here we are in 2010, with many netlabels all over the world, spreading on the internet. The common pattern being "one musician, one netlabel" (ok, that was mean).

With all these netlabels flourishing everywhere, no wonder some like Miasmah decided to step aside and become real labels.

Or is it the desire of releasing more selected artists?

What's the meaning of it all since marketing agencies and majors are finally embracing the realm of the Internet and famous bands are now releasing their music for free?"

avril 2010

Thanks to Esa Ruoho, William Lamy, Ändrew Zendic, Fabien Lasserre, Cyril Pereira, Reynald Deliens, Ronny Pries, Felix Petrescu and Nick Smith for helping myself remembering some groups.

Many <3 to Camomille, Ogredung, NOiSE, Milk and Hellven… we miss you! */ actor involved in recent developments of online music, Guillaume Richard, aka Kaneel, is a musician and a label coordinator.

:: mynameiskaneel
:: petite&jolie
:: the questionnaire
:: discogs

undRess Béton :: stuckhousing quantum gums

aventure quotidienne permanente, à cet instant précis, vous ne savez pas encore où vous en serez dans 59 minutes et 45 secondes ... tant mieux !

:: archive.org
:: undRess Béton

30 mars 2010

carte blanche to Guillaume Richard :: 02

guest of the project, "carte blanche", Guillaume Richard have been invited to give his personal view about the actual history and relationship between music and home computers ::

" the tracker scene"

Years passing by, the 90s slowly killed these old platforms, introduced the PC era and so, new soundtrackers were coded.
Between all the new soundtrackers available, FastTracker II and ImpulseTracker2 were the two most widely used and it was quite common to read and hear discussions about which one was the best (actually, we all know it was ImpulseTracker…)

New musicians were emerging, inspired by every new genres which were being explored during this period. Internet kicked in, people were now able to hear about trackers without being a part of the demoscene and finally, the "tracking scene" was born.

At a certain moment, the term "tracking group" was coinced. I guess it was following the term "demogroup"… actually, even if the tracking scene was evolving aside the demoscene, at some moments, some demosceners had no idea about some musicians that were into the tracking scene and vice-versa. In the end, it was a funny "troll" to start on some irc channels. Mentioning the tracking scene on a demoscene-related channel was always a good recreation… as much as trying to answer to these questions:
What is exactly a soundtracker?
What is the difference between a soundtracker and a sequencer? (Answer: 90°)

The whole deal behind "tracking groups" was about uniting some guys under the same collective, just like a label. They were releasing their source files (named "modules") on the internet so anybody could download and listen at them.
The idea wasn't about about "staying underground" or "being against the music industry". They were releasing their module files because… well, they always did.
Nowadays, you hear about a lot of long and dull explanations to justify "the right motivations" behind "the free music scene" while during this dark (and pleasant) era, there were no real other explanations except "well, why not?"

The tracking scene was getting so important that one of the two main PC scene e-zines was focusing on the music part of the scene only.

Yes, internet magazines… right… around 1995…
Indeed, the web2.0 is older than you thought.

Its name was Traxweekly and it ran for 119 issues from March 1995 to February 1998, ending with a circulation of over eleven hundred subscribers. It featured interviews, reviews, demoparty reports, tips and some jokes (yes… what is the difference between a tracker and a sequencer?).

For the record, many other followed but I think the two most important were Staticline and Music massage.

KFMF, NOiSE, Five Musicians, Milk, Mono211, Hellven, Tokyo Dawn Records … were for sure the most reknown groups on the web.
On top of them, we should add Theralite, Miasmah, Charlie Brown Records, Black Sista, Chillproductions, Schleudertrauma, Rohformat, Language Lab, Inpuj and Kyoto Republic.

Yes indeed, there were a bunch of them, releasing very different genres for sure. All the groups mentioned above got their own audience and some known trackers were sometimes releasing on many of these different groups.

They were releasing some amazing modules, each of their musicians got an almost unique style and they introduced new ways of going beyond the limitations of a soundtracker, new ways of making a beat sound, news methods… new shapes… new heroes?

People were collecting their modules and were burning them on CDRs or copying them on tapes so they could listen to these guys everyday ( actually I believe some did… as I did).
And even some friends of mine did that when I made them discover these stuff.
Come on, let's just open a facebook group entilted "I was burning modules to CDRs before going to holidays with my parents".

In the late 90s, making music with a computer was still expensive, dealing with real-time virtual synthesizers almost impossible considering the power of computers and connections weren't fast enough to deal with mp3s on a regular basis.
On the other side, soundtrackers were free and a module file could be so small that many more tracking group emerged.

Big databases got unleashed and the first community websites arrived. The most famous was named "traxinspace" and was a huge collection of tracker music where every trackers could even upload their own creations and get reviewed, ranked and listened!

And please, let's not forget about United-trackers and modarchive. " ...

02/03 - to be continued

<< 01/03 demoscene
>> 03/03 netlabels

actor involved in recent developments of online music, Guillaume Richard, aka Kaneel, is a musician and a label coordinator.

:: mynameiskaneel
:: petite&jolie
:: the questionnaire
:: discogs

29 mars 2010

Thomas Fehlmann :: gute luft

scoring a TV film "24H Berlin" (not seen) about the fascinating city, Gute Luft is the sixth release of Thomas Fehlmann since the man emerged from the palais - result of an impressive work, these 15 slaloming and highly expressionnist sequences are the perfect soundtrack for any visitor running after the proteiform atmosphere of a (so) desired area - tour de force, Gute Luft is a charming sort of trouble - mixing fleeting images, brushing the flashes of lights outlining the contours of walls and spaces where intersecting lives, aspirations, rhythms, dreams also, stories ... no further look for a tour guide.

:: kompakt records
:: Thomas Fehlmann > mysp.
:: discogs

carte blanche to Guillaume Richard :: 01

guest of the project, "carte blanche", Guillaume Richard have been invited to give his personal view about the actual history and relationship between music and home computers ::

" noCo...mmencement : demoscene

Once upon a time, there was no Internet.

No really, I'm being very serious. I'm talking about the 80s.

There even was a time where cat pictures weren't necessarily captioned, where computer were funny-looking machines and video-games really were inventive and challenging.
During this time, the few lucky enough to have a computer at home were often friends of each others at school and called "nerds" by the others who weren't really understanding the whole thing about swapping floppies instead of caring about "normal social interactions".

And sometimes, when they were not swapping videogames, they were swapping demos!

To make it short, demos are executable animations.
It's calculated real-time, like a videogame but you can't really interact with it… you just sit in front of your screen and watch. Eventually, you'll wave your arms and even dance if you really enjoy the music but anyway, people will never understand why you just love watching these "plasma stuff" and "moving typos".

As I've been saying, there was no internet. Some people were starting to make graphism, illustrations and music on their computers and what was the best way to show your style?
Yeah, I guess you get it: Get a coder, a graphician and finally, a musician, make a production and meet at a demoparty!

There were sceners in many countries of Europe, on many different platforms… c64, amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC to name a few.

Back in this time, making music on computers wasn't as common as nowadays since having your own home-studio was expensive. Still, there were tiny applications named "soundtrackers" that would allow you to create tunes with only a computer and nothing else aside. On some platforms, you would have to create your sounds using the sound chip of the computer and on some others, you would only load samples that you could finally rip from other "soundtracked" music. In any cases, you would just enter notes on rows and here we go, you made your first catchy (or not) tune!

People using soundtrackers were called trackers (yeah, I know, it's a bit messy) and finally, some of these guys became famous for decades amongst other trackers.
Some even worked and are still working for videogame companies, some others joined labels and some decided to enjoy their life another way… sadly. " ...

01/03 - to be continued

>> 02/03 the tracker scene

actor involved in recent developments of online music, Guillaume Richard, aka Kaneel, is a musician and a label coordinator.

:: mynameiskaneel
:: petite&jolie
:: the questionnaire
:: discogs

26 mars 2010

Cagey House :: b for breakfast

la légèreté d'être, d'entendre et probablement de voir aussi, à chaque nouvelle réalisation de Cagey House, Dave Keifer nous enchante, nous ravit et nous permet, encore et toujours, d'espèrer que le monde pourrait être ainsi fait, de brics et de brocs, de timballes enchantées, de fanfares chamarrées, de libertinages écervelés, d'accords de guitares de dentelles, de divas supersoniques et d'un sourire de Kurt Schwitters, d'un collage libellule de Kinle Wo, de tambours battants, du voisinage d'un lièvre de mars, d'enfants toujours farceurs, d'adultes faisant d'amusantes grimaces à l'ordre et la raison, et avant de s'enfuir, l'instant suivant, vers une nouvelle et malicieuse espièglerie. un instant fugace, un instant de ... bonheur.

:: bypass
artwork by :: Kinle Wo

>> 1902
>> lark
>> the cartoon mouse regards

24 mars 2010

Philip Sulidae :: an high land

An high land ... une terre au rythme d'un ballet, frictions, parfois grimaçantes, de plaques tectoniques en mobilité fusionnelle, accouplement protéiforme de matières, de masses érodées - An high land ... où la lenteur prend durablement possession d'un espace sonore repoussé à la plus strict expression des frontières d'ombres graduellement solidifiées par une recouvrante pellicule, poussière ? crachat magmatique ? An high land ... une énigme individuelle (nighthill), pour tout voyageur en process d'égarement - An high land ... la puissante réponse de Philip Sulidae au naufrage avéré des indifférences.

:: dontcaresulidae
<< the questionnaire > sept 2009
<< southwest

20 mars 2010

Autechre :: oversteps

Practicing the science of the title with excellency ... "oversteps" - set the stage - not less than two years after a return (success) in graceful humanity, and (fortunately) far from the extreme disembodiment of 2005, Rob Brown and Sean Booth have worthily aerosolized into 14 strata, and it is a highly recommended success. pssshhhittt!

Pratiquer la science du titre avec excellence ... "oversteps" - le décor est planté - pas moins de deux années après un retour (réussi) en gracieuse humanité, et (heureusement) bien loin de l'extrême désincarnation de l"année 2005, Rob Brown et Sean Booth se sont dignement aérosolisés en 14 strates , et c'est un succès ultra recommandé. pssshhhittt !

:: Autechre

13 mars 2010

Alexander Kibanov & Norihito Kodama :: through fire walk with me

un interstice, initialement pluvieux, entre réalité et fiction, à moins que celà ne ressemble à un gouffre, qu'importe - Cette nouvelle collaboration entre Kibanov et Kodama, se poursuit avec notre consentement quant à la perspective de s'entourer de flammes et comme nous aurons autant de difficultés d'oublier les aéroports, fussent-ils abandonnés.

:: bump foot
:: just not normal

:: Alexander Kibanov > mysp
:: Nryy > discogs

12 mars 2010

Eurasia :: glooming in the twilight

la proximité sonore quasi immédiate est tellement évidente et opérante que l'on se surprend à interroger notre très officieuse mémoire - Ce crépuscule n'est pas loin de devenir lumineux, voir incandescent.

:: MiMi records
:: Eurasia > mysp.

J.CNNR :: finis natura

singulière réalisation, de l'exigeant tres catorce, ce finis natura de J.CNNR, sorti en janvier dernier, n'a de cesse de mettre en péril l'effacement graduel de nos mémoires sensorielles, de rebooter les disques durs en phase de sédimentation, tel le gant, d'un candidat au voyage temporel, balayant les parasitages givrés d'un monitor obsolète - cette réanimation constructive est une réussite.

:: tres catorce netlabel
:: J.CNNR > mysp.

11 mars 2010

Sardinia Bass Legalize :: timeless

suspension and distance, an equation, the figure of timelessness - King Kietu and Sensitive Dub overlook a human soundscape, an ellipse found from the right measure of distance between people in motion - Let your eyes make it circular, and don't take care, your ears will makes you back to reality with the unavoidable trumpet of Zen.I - an equation suspended, a timeless suspension.

:: aQuietBump
:: Sardinia Bass Legalize
:: King Kietu > the-questionnaire

<< visions on my land
<< sbl
<< italian dub community - vol 1

10 mars 2010

Leonardo Martins :: quick McLuhanian guide for transmigration

"the medium is the message" and if, by chance, we speak of hopping merging perceptions, this selective guide of Leonardo Martins will not be far.

:: pandafuzz

7 mars 2010

Glenn Ryszko :: soundwalk

... "Sound is visual. When I listen to sound, whether these are field recordings, environmental sounds, abstract soundscapes or just an ordinary pop album, I always have images popping up in my mind. A collection of memories. Our brains seem to recollect memories each time our senses are activated. We internalize what we hear or see externally." ... the message is perfectly clear, Glenn Ryszko gives us an objective answer, the soundwalk is a mental image, coming from "a" reality, a reality all made of our subjectivity, a reality coming and going, a reality in motion, particles of signals captured and stored carefully away in our pocket, a treasure

:: konkretourist
:: Glenn Ryszko
<< machine

4 mars 2010

EdP Sampler 1

loin d'être exhaustif, et donc d'envisager toute l'étendue d'un projet protéiforme, ce premier gateau d'anniversaire de EdP, nous permet d'appréhender les grandes lignes et qualités de celui-ci. Encore trop confidentiel, EdP ne mérite pas un unique gateau toutefois surmonté de 10 jolies bougies mais, au minima, d'une patisserie toute entière.

:: editora do porto

3 mars 2010

Entertainment for the braindead :: roadkill

Julia Kotowski fell in love and ... gives us happiness.
Outstanding !

:: aaahh records
:: Entertainment for the braindead

<< hydrophobia

Counterspark :: the halpern experiment

césure et correction d'épreuves en forme de paysage sonore, les huit mouvements de "the halpern experiment" confinent à l'appréciation intérieure, une indolente ressource.

:: resting bell
:: discogs

merci à Yamanotedreams

OCP :: rejects

jeu savant, entre incongruité, constance et fugacité, ces rejets de João Ricardo ont l'étrange saveur d'un repas gastronomique avalé dans l'urgence sur le coin d'un comptoir de fastfood - fort de ce besoin incessant d'investigations, de combinaisons insolites, d'expérimentations en équilibre précaire et très loin des standards, affligeants produits calibrés, l'homme de Lisbonne poursuit un chemin semé d'embuches aux bienfaisantes aspérités - amateurs de certitudes, s'abstenir.

:: ocp - operador de cabine polivalente
:: discogs

23 février 2010

Mahi Bukimi :: the eclipse of planet’s beauty

sans être emphatique, nous n'en sommes pas moins empathique. Avec cette éclipse, Mahi Bukimi signe une réalisation formellement classique et parfaitement ordonnancée.

:: silentflow

19 février 2010

Stable Mechanism :: decisions

fidèle à une esthétique sensorielle particulièrement exigeante depuis, pas moins de, 16 références, le netlabel ++sensor nous tient, encore et toujours, en appétissante alerte à l'annonce de chaque nouvelle sortie - c'est effectivement une nouvelle fois le cas avec ce ep de Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo aka Stable Mechanism. Ouvrant sur un soundscape architectural aux dimensions hors normes (kathryn), un étrange défi semble se nouer, alternant sacralité formelle, et donc recueillement, avec cette sorte de souffle haletant, fuite éperdue (december in november) - parfois d'apparence classique (crash machine), il ne faut toutefois pas tirer de conclusion hâtive, prudente mesure préparatoire au duo formé par les ultimes tracks de ces décisions salutaires.

:: addSensor
:: Stable Mechanism > mysp.

17 février 2010

Kirill Kara-Banchuk :: Star T

ballet en partition effective, Kirill Kara-Banchuk n'a de cesse de faire le grand écart formel - fond, forme, représentation, évocation, images mentales en accumulations constantes et éffrénées - amoncellement brisé et improprement réajusté, repli d'espace, chant céleste et fugace d'une diva holographique en effacement crispé - brouillage déambulant, incertain au travers d'une dématérialisation effective des codes, accélération, accélération dégénérative et ultime quête d'un point de rupture - il sera difficile d'avoir le dernier mot.

:: mixgalaxy records

13 février 2010

XZICD :: O)))))O(((((O

les superlatifs fusent à grande vitesse car cette lame de fond sonore possède une amplitude atmosphérique assez phénoménale et, décidément, les superlatifs fusent à ... très grande vitesse !

:: crazy language
:: O)))))O(((((O > soundcloud
:: XZICD > myspace

12 février 2010

Martins Rokis & Kaspars Groshevs :: 0703-0307

implications of an abundant sonic rubber flow and matrix, the pores of the machine are constantly dilate - a perfect synthesis, mutant and fusional - Martins Rokins & Kaspars Groshevs gives no respite - the 8 pieces of 0703-0307 practice such hybridation than wired inversion - where is the sheath, what becomes the common thread ?

11 février 2010

Ian Hawgood :: slow films in low lights

Soundtrack To A Film In My Head Which Will Never Get Made’... quoi de plus merveilleux ouvrage que celui dont la nature (profonde) est bien au delà de son illusoire réalité - et pourtant, c'est bien sur ce postulat que Ian Hawgood, musicien au parcours autant estimable qu'insaisissable, nous convie à parcourir cette relecture éclairée et complice d'un album assurément bien réel (rope swing cities) - Et la guestlist a de quoi faire trépigner d'impatience (à commencer par le chroniqueur ci-derrière ces lignes), imaginez, 14 scores en fluctuante mutation de MM Federico Durand, Pan Am Scan, The Remote Viewer, Danny Norbury, Color Cassette, Geskia!, Hannu, Yuri Miyauchi, Miko, The Green Kingdom, Library Tapes, Ten and Tracer, Chihei Hatakeyama (par ailleurs, récemment, auteur du brillant "long journey", également pour home normal) ou encore He Can Jog avec un featuring de Nick Sanborn - générique - the end - point final ! ... ... ... now please, come closer, get inside, approchons la lumière, arrêtons-nous, souffle suspendu, oreille en alerte, observons ces formes ou plutôt, ces contours partiellement identifiables, ils sont bien là , se tenant en une ondoyante verticale, éclat aux stries fines et solarisées / séquence / le rythme constant, plateau confondu en un horizon d'halogénure d'argent, cliquetis saillant pour mécanisme embryonnaire / séquence / le paysage s'éfface et s'éprend de distance, envol sous contrôle de sourdes machinations, ce scénario ne semble plus avoir d'issue / séquence / nous étions prévenus dès le plan d'ouverture, "slow films, low lights", et Danny Norbury vient de reposer une focale circulaire et passagèrement luminescente / séquence / nous sommes assis, brise légère, le chemin est caillouteux par endroit, soleil / séquence / il sera difficile de distinguer ... les mots se brisent ... trop tard, le souffle d'un métro, sur pneumatiques crissants d'usure, qui passe et s'engouffre à nouveau / séquence / où sommes-nous ? infrabasses abyssales pour laboratoire immersif, trouble, mais où sommes-nous enfin ? / séquence / la poursuite recommence inlassablement, suffocant, la main au coté, le visage qui se redresse, rictus / séquence / vous ne pouvez ignorer la règle principale, celle-ci vous sera chuchotée dans un accord de koto, et puis viendra la grave solennité / séquence / les strates se superposent, et parfois s'enchevêtrant durant un court instant, de lourdes portes daignent s'entrouvrir - timidement, Jonathan Canupp avance dans ce décor majestueux, ses pas sont mesurés, prudents / séquence / nous approchons d'une aube, mais celle-ci reste lointaine et filandreuse ( perspective fuyante) / séquence / une respiration ... fermer les guillemets / silence /.

:: home normal
:: rope swing cities

les profits de cette réalisation iront à
The Archway Foundation

10 février 2010

Yan_G :: Sparking G

how doing the difference between dark and bright ?
what for ?

:: rec72
:: Yan_G
:: discogs

merci à Silencide

Offthesky :: hiding nature

Je ne m'étais pas plus longuement attardé sur le travail de Jason Corder depuis le magnifique "Dwelling spells" pour zymogen, fin 2008, et même si le temps n'a pas encore fait son ouvrage, et sa part d'oubli, subsiste également encore, l'antérieur et très magique "rare decay" pour resting bell. Dire que Offthesky cultive une persistance, est à l'évidence, et au regard de ce "hiding nature" un aveu bienveillant pour le travail merveilleusement ciselé du musicien de Denver. Très heureuse rencontre (et fondatrice, à en croire les notes de Ian Hawgood) avec les orfèvres alchimistes de home normal, cette première collaboration est immédiatement placée sous le signe d'une intime séduction, de ces confidences chuchotées alors que l'on partage secrètement une expérience hors des choses et bien entendu hors tempo.
"Hiding nature" éveille singulièrement les sens, armé de particules fabuleusement hétérogènes, et l'envoutement instinctif en un cheminement aux belles allures involontaires en sont plus que la belle récompense.

:: home normal

1 février 2010

Pixelord :: lucid freaks pt. 1

initiateur, Aleksey Devyanin l'a été, ouvrant toutes grandes les portes d'un territoire inexploré, et ses "Phicusology / Damn Arm Remixes" allaient provoquer une onde de choc (souterraine) telle, que quelques années plus tard, l'impact est encore tangible derrière ces lignes. Que les choses soient claires, Aleksey et son sideproject Stud fut l'instigateur, pour votre serviteur, d'un irréversible élan vers ce formidable renouveau musical, incarné par l'actuelle scène netaudio - nous étions en 2002.
Mais Aleksey n'est pas homme à se laisser bercer des illusoires babillages proto-nostalgiques d'un chroniqueur, et les multiples projets, égrainés depuis lors, sont autant de témoignages d'un talent avéré et polymorphe, tel le projet Gultskra Artikler.

curiosity kills the cat ! ... qui sont donc ces monstres lucides ? sourds échos mis en décroissante perspective ou réminiscences flashy d'une dématérialisation en lamelles stridentes, fondues, enchainées et réhaussées des saisissantes couleurs fittées de l'acidulé Michael Dotson - enfin, et poursuivant la lente reconstitution d'une mise en 3D volontaire, le coup de grâce nous est asséné, il s'intitule "boss worm". Ces monstres sont particulièrement et effectivement bien lucides.

:: error broadcast
:: Aleksey Devyanin / Stud > discogs
:: gultskra.com

31 janvier 2010

Niteffect :: plug and lay session @ cöxpon

Nous le pressentions déjà depuis fort longtemps. Comme une sorte de gourmandise, ce premier rendez-vous plug and play d'octobre 2009, à Budapest, nous permet de convenir que Niteffect est un artiste complet, autant inside que désormais, outside.

:: kreislauf
:: discogs

27 janvier 2010

Kei Sato :: interpretation

interpretation, interpretational, interpretations, interpretative, a flavored and perfectly subjective tracklisting, for a particularly attractive ... interpretation - this first release of Kei Sato, sprinkled with gems titled (and proved) "interpretational" or that more discreet "interpretative" and its bewitching subtlety - Any case, this first attempt is a masterstroke and a delicate intimate promise. let us beware of the charm of the ... interprets.

:: MiMi
:: Kei Sato > mySp.
:: Kei Sato photo blog

26 janvier 2010

multilink :: capsule 01 art book

" ... Multilink Magazine has always been a purposely chaotic mixture of people and ideas across as wide a variety of disciplines as possible. The idea is to celebrate the diversity of creativity while at the same time trying to highlight the common fundamentals involved ..."

"Capsule is a limited edition series of archival art books showcasing a diverse selection of contemporary artists and illustrators.

Volume one in this collectible catalogue of ideas and inspiration features the work of ten international contributors ... "

Gregory Euclide
Erik K Skodvin (Miasmah)
Alex Young
Zach Johnson (Zenvironments)

:: multilink magazine

Miquel Parera Jaques :: nx004_Automatic

... "After much time listening to jazz, jazz-rock, rock, Beethoven, contemporary music, etc. I was tired.
I no longer listen to music.
But one day came to my ears Morton Feldman, Messiaen and Cage and I revived.
I need to get back to the minimum as an exercise to avoid the existential void." ...

After such "aestetics" considerations from the author, it seems uncertain not to rush on such a release - we are not disappointed.

:: nx004_Automatic
:: music is the time of numbers
:: sonicsquirrel page
:: Miquel Parera Jaques

cover painting by Giovanna Parera Apaza

20 janvier 2010

Dave Tucker, Ricardo Tejero, Julian Bonequi :: machinations of joy

the character runs in every direction, succession of snapshots, crossed eyes, fleeting moments, and wanderings beyond diverted happiness - then, and quite suddenly that kind of drying, a creeping aridity topped by prominent sparks - the character now runs slower but always in every direction, elusive and distant perspective, suspended time (electric soup) - crossing an evocative tribute without incident or crumpled sheet metal - suspended time, and again, this rat race all over, it will not stop.

:: audiotalaia
:: Dave Tucker > pax recordings
:: Ricardo Tejero
:: Julian Bonequi

Artwork by Gianfranco Bonadies

17 janvier 2010

Josh Winiberg :: game over

curieux méandres, croisant dans un semi-rêve cinématographique, Barbarella et ses improbables rayons laser ricochant sur la transparence plastique, une étonnante gravité mélodique (cave) entichée de fréquences en écho, aride post-glaciation d'une mémoire de dancefloor et si d'aventure, le jeu venait à s'achever, vous n'aurez assurément pas à regretter de ne pas avoir oublier, vos jambes.

:: kreislauf
:: discogs
:: Josh Winiberg

14 janvier 2010

Systemton :: in the neighbourhood

... que s'opère la magie d'un minimalisme désincarné dans un voisinage à la matérialité évanescente, l'absolue et parfaite vacuité d'un esprit nonchalant. les lois de l'apesanteur rythmique se doivent d'être soumises à une linéarité sans faille, ni dangereuse aspérité - mission accomplie !

:: inoquo
:: Systemton

Dysarthria :: don´t ask!

trouble, pain, and objectively, the specter of that horrible dumbness - "don't ask" is certainly not a work to be taken lightly - game of appearance where containment is master of an antinomian ceremony, the demonstration is darkly dazzling - this release is questioning gregarious instincts. are you ready ?

8 janvier 2010

Plaster :: B_n ep

nous sommes certes tous référencés mais, ne serions-nous pas influents pour autant ? La trajectoire de "B_n" est sans équivoque, crispation énergique, tendue à l'extrême (M2d), ou empreinte de cette fascination latente, sourde, affirmée (B_n), neuronale et cinglante, une blessure de lame givrée.

:: brainstormlab
:: Plaster > mysp
:: Plaster Sound

Fred Debief :: every day...a picture every sunday...a track what's next...hu ?!?

who's speaking of nervousness? who suggests a crawling standardization of the netaudio scene? announcing the return of the discreet Fred Debief, that project looks like an evidence "Every day...a picture, Every sunday...a track, what's next...hu ?!?" - the french musician can't definitively share a single one way ticket, and this is certainly not in these places, we throw the first stone - an evidence !

:: fdbf
:: discogs

6 janvier 2010

Wolfseule :: i once stuck my finger in my eyeball and ...

Dorothea Studthoff aka Wolfseule is a (very) fascinating artist - dissident, non-conformist, a maverick advancing (very) fast out of the pack. no longer member of some standards even those, most insidious, of the actual netaudio scene, often less innovative than admirative of the pathetic mediocrity of music business - Wolfseule wrote another story, a risky history, ambitious, always experimenting, never final - the absolute negation of the ultimate product, sticky marketing, pre-digested for the hypothesis of a cultural comfort as pitiful as predictable, Wolfseule wrote another story - Then now "I once stuck my finger in my eyeball and wondered, why it hurts so much, but then I realised, that I just need to pull it out again, so I did and wiped the jelly eyeball-stuff off on my jumper, I still couldn't see then, but it didn't hurt that much anymore" is not only a title which gives some serious difficulties to the computer standard cases (such as those of this blog), than a new defiance, harvesting white noise flowers (Oh, honey...by all means....NO!), discovering an easthetic post-fieldrecordings (yesterday, amnd last night and 13 years ago), reanimating a spectral explosion of the techno genre (that must have hurt....), or the funny destroyer of collateral dogmas (marx died for my sins) - you'll understand that this project is the first cornerstone of a period in much needed - essential !

:: Lo-fi/sci-fi records > archive.org
:: Wolfseule > mySp
:: discogs
:: the questionnaire

4 janvier 2010

Hoax :: the insomnia ep

un interstice, une frontière hors limite et hors temporalité, la confrontation d'un état de semi-veille et notre prégnante réalité, un lieu mental où se frottent en lentes émulsions (crash), nos désirs, nos attentes ou quelques boucles oniriques (progress) et une plongée abyssale (thursday evening) - cette insomnie fortuite n'est heureusement pas celle des illusions perdues.

:: qunabu
:: the insomnia > archive.org


inaugurating a coming new decade, the 24/7 opensource audio & netaudio stream, n0theen is offering us a brand new site, full of thoses precious infos about copyleft musical culture and programs - noCo...mment remains partner of this so necessary and great project

:: n0theen