tieguide / novembre 2007

mixtape / novembre 2007
"I am born in 1979 in a small town in Saxony, Germany.
After graduating as a Diplom-Media Manager (FH) I started a job in the marketing department of a solar cell manufacturer and moved to Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
I'm still in the job and responsible for the corporate design, advertising, give aways and almost everything that shows the company's logo.
In 2005 I found with a friend of mine the netlabel one bit wonder net.music. For 1bit I made the whole graphic design like the webpage and all the release covers (except of one). Since 1995 I'm producing music, starting with trance stuff and later different styles. At the moment I'm in 3 music projects: Latex Distortion (with a friend of mine, something between electronica and techno, different releases on 1bit and other netlabels), Kultobjekt (a solo project, dub influenced and more minimal style) and at least The Noise Tales (a rock pop project with another friend of mine, released just 2 songs on 1bit, at the moment paused).
What else to say? I have a little daughter which just became 4 years old. :-)
So after my vita I will give you a short explanation to the artworks, although everybody can make his own interpretation.
The "tie guide" reflects my job: on the one hand, working with design and the Adobe CS. On the other hand the business part of my work like trade shows and marketing stuff at all. That's why the tie ;-) (by the way: I never have wear a tie)
The second artwork reflects my hobby: the netlabel, i guess there's no explanation necessary on this."
Mirko lives in Leipzig.
:: Mirko Schmidt
:: 1Bit-Wonder
:: 720x120
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