on croit rêver ... Creative Commons France soutient les qwartz electronic music awards (sponsorisés par la spedidam,l'adami et précédement ... la sacem) de qui se moque-t'on ? - CC France, une fumisterie ?
are we dreaming ... Creative Commons France supports the "qwartz electronic music awards" ( these awards are supported by spedidam (french organism of perception and rights distribution ) adami ( company dedicated to the administration of the rights of artists & musicians ) and previously the ... sacem (french GEMA, ASCAP, PRS, SUISA, BMI, SGAE ...) - who cares ? CC France, a humbug ?
:: CC france
CC France people are, of course, kindly invited to answer (english please) to this post.
maybe CC are simply a ALL humbug...?
RépondreSupprimerwho it really helps in fact? that is the true question! because free music in a world where everything must be paid: this is the real joke... CC kills independant producers and it is the best strategy to support Major compagnies ...